Killzone 2 Demo Impressions

As of today, a demo of Killzone 2 has been released to the public through the European Playstation Store and to all the folks who pre-ordered the game from Gamestop and received their exclusive voucher. I’ve been anxiously waiting to finally get my hands on this game. Now it’s time to give you all my first impressions of Killzone 2.

killzone2First thing’s first: Killzone 2 is an absolutely beautiful game. The visuals are the first thing that you’re going to notice when you boot up the demo, and trust me, it hits you like a brick. Crisp textures, gorgeous lighting effects, and impressive particle effects are plentiful. Each and every detail of the visual presentation of Killzone 2 will suck you in and you’ll really feel as if you’re part of a much larger conflict. You’re part of a war, and this is one hell of a good looking one.

Killzone’s audio design is just as, if not more impressive than the visuals. From the moment that you’re crashing down on Corinth’s sands to the first time you squeeze off a round into a Helghast adversary, you can truly feel the weight of everything going on around you. Weapons sound hefty and pack a well needed “punch” that many shooters lack. Squad chatter sounds gritty and satisfying as well, albeit boasting some excessive swearing. My only real complain with the sound in the demo had to be during the opening cinematic; the lines felt forced and were poorly delivered. It’s a small price to pay for an otherwise outstanding presentation.

A jaw-dropping presentation can’t make a game on its own however. The gameplay is where it’s at, and believe me, Killzone 2 is coming out swinging. Unlike other games in the genre, Killzone has a believable sense of weight to it and you don’t just feel as if you’re a floating gun moving around a battlefield. Everything feels heavy, whether its your character’s movement, taking cover, or firing your weapon. You’re completely grounded in the experience, so don’t expect to float off anywhere anytime soon. Although, this weighty feeling can come off as “sluggish” to first time players whilst aiming, but the more you play the more you’ll get a hang of it. You’ve invaded a hostile alien planet, so you’re going to need a lot of practice, because the Helghast are not going down easily.

The enemy AI has been vastly improved over the original, but to be entirely honest, that’s not saying much. However, do not take the meaning of “vastly” with a grain of salt. The Helghast are a very formidable foe even on the standard difficulty allotted to us in the demo. They will be constantly moving about from cover to cover seeking better vantage points to take you out. They will flank, flush you out with grenades, and keep the pressure on you until they eventually get you down. Helghast grunts alone will give you a run for your money if you’re careless. Rushing in to any firefight will inevitably get you gunned down. You’re going to have to make good use of that “lean-and-peek” cover system Guerrilla Games so kindly put in there.

Overall, Killzone 2 is turning out to be a fantastic shooter that will set a new standard on the Playstation 3. From the visual/audio presentation to the well-grounded gameplay, Killzone 2 is set to take you on a wild roller coaster ride through the industrialized barrens of the Helghan home world. If the demo is any indication of how the final game will turn out, then color me impressed. Be ready to buy this game come February 27. You owe it to yourself.

Killzone 2 Demo Impressions